BSO Transformation Update

Dec 17, 2022

Transformation and SPILSBY U3A


In 2018, the next vision for Scouting was launched, a 5-year plan which looked to prepare more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme. Vision 2023 looked to grow Scouting, making it more inclusive, shaped by young people and having a bigger impact on our communities. #Skills for Life was born.

Whilst a considerable amount of early work was undertaken with focus groups, questionnaires, and discussions across all parts of the movement, the Covid-19 Pandemic put the brakes on much of the subsequent phases with other priorities and a significant reduction in volunteering capacity. Over the last 12 months, many of the workstreams have been reactivated and there are numerous groups of volunteers and employed HQ staff undertaking much detailed activity built upon that early consultation and feedback. Now, over 10,000 people from both within and outside Scouting have been consulted. They have given their comments, opinions and suggestions as to how we can make volunteering with the Scouts easier and more fun.

What will change? 

This will be focused around three significant requirements from the consultation:

Creating a warmer welcome for new volunteers This will mean using new digital tools to recruit volunteers and speed up the appointments process. The volunteer is likely to have a more relevant experience during the process and, they will be able to track their progress.

Making learning more valuable and convenient Greater use of digital tools for learning which will mean volunteers have greater control of what and when they complete their learning. There will be more optional learning and a change in the composition of the Wood Badge so that it is more relevant to their needs. A reduction in the need for validation will speed up the process from completion to recognition.

Simplifying volunteering to get things done easier and quicker The creation of a new approach to volunteering at all levels which will improve clarity of roles and simplicity of delivery to support our programme . A new digital system with a single sign-on giving access to membership information, learning, permits and awards all available through

Other pillars of the Strategy cover Programme, Perception, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and greater use of Digital Skills

When will we see the changes? 

The “Understand Phase” of the work will now run until the end of the year and Planning for the changes will run through 2023. This may seem a long time, but Transformation is not just about the switch from Compass to a new Membership System, it is much more than that.

Changes too in the structures of our Sections, Groups, Districts and County to simplify and “spread the load.” This includes some rationalization of roles to increase and improve transparency including, the introduction of “Lead Volunteer” replacing the “Commissioner” which is a term better understood by people both within and outside Scouting.

We will start to see movement towards these changes during 2023 even though the move to the new Membership System is unlikely until early 2024.


Next Steps 

In September, the Members E-Mail raised the matter of cleaning up Compass records so that when the data is lifted and dropped into the new Membership System, avoiding the need to re-enter thousands of pieces of information, it is correct and up to date. The time to start that “clean-up” process is now.

Whilst some of this can and will be done centrally at HQ, and Area level, much of the personal data is just that, personal. This means that the only person to provide information and confirm held data is the person themselves. Hopefully in the upcoming few weeks your line manager or a member of your district team will be in touch to ask for you to update your details, and we may be renaming some older BSO roles to make these match across all of the districts. This will ensure that we have our records as prepared for the new system as possible.

As we learn more about the transformation updates, you will continue to be updated about transformation through Far & Wide, direct e-mails and from your district team, however if you have any questions please reach out Matt Lightfoot ([email protected]) who will be supporting BSO with our transformation journey.


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